

This is a User Defined Function for Trino (a.k.a. Presto SQL)


The Trino plugin is very new. Please tell if it works or not in your case.


You can get the prebuilt UDF from maven central (yauaa-trino-7.26.1-udf.jar).

NOTE: You MUST use the -udf.jar: yauaa-trino-7.26.1-udf.jar

In the plugin directory of your Trino server create a subdirectory and copy the yauaa-trino-7.26.1-udf.jar to that new directory.

In the trino docker image this is /usr/lib/trino/plugin/ so putting the jar in something like /usr/lib/trino/plugin/yauaa is a fine choice.

Important note: This directory may only contain this jar file; no other files may be present!


This UDF provides two new functions parse_user_agent(<useragent>) and parse_user_agent(array(<parameters>)).

This first function needs one input which is the UserAgent string that needs to be analyzed.

The return value is a map(varchar, varchar) which is a key value map of all possible properties.

The second function needs a list of header name, value pairs to define the headers on which the provided values were originally received.

Example : Just the User-Agent string.

SELECT parsedUseragent['DeviceClass']                   AS DeviceClass,
       parsedUseragent['AgentNameVersionMajor']         AS AgentNameVersionMajor,
       parsedUseragent['OperatingSystemNameVersion']    AS OperatingSystemNameVersion
    SELECT  useragent,
        parse_user_agent(useragent) AS parsedUseragent
    FROM (
        SELECT useragent
        FROM (
            VALUES ('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.60 Safari/537.36')
        ) AS t (useragent)


 DeviceClass | AgentNameVersionMajor | OperatingSystemNameVersion
 Desktop     | Chrome 100            | Mac OS >=10.15.7
(1 row)

Example : User-Agent string and ClientHints.

SELECT parsedUseragent['DeviceClass']                   AS DeviceClass,
       parsedUseragent['AgentNameVersionMajor']         AS AgentNameVersionMajor,
       parsedUseragent['OperatingSystemNameVersion']    AS OperatingSystemNameVersion
    SELECT  useragent, chPlatform, chPlatformVersion,
                'user-Agent',                  useragent,
                'sec-CH-UA-Platform',          chPlatform,
                'sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version',  chPlatformVersion
        ) AS parsedUseragent
    FROM (
        SELECT useragent, chPlatform, chPlatformVersion
        FROM (
            VALUES ('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.60 Safari/537.36',
        ) AS t (useragent, chPlatform, chPlatformVersion)


 DeviceClass | AgentNameVersionMajor | OperatingSystemNameVersion
 Desktop     | Chrome 100            | Mac OS 12.3.1
(1 row)