Elastic LogStash


User Defined Function (Filter plugin) for Elastic Logstash


With Yauaa 7.18.0 the logstash UDF has been dropped.

The primary reason is that 3 years after Elastic announced Java UDF support as “GA” they have not published the needed dependencies. The workaround I came up with is starting to cause more and more problems so I’m dropping it.

Still want it?

Get the sources from the latest tag that still had it and build it yourself. https://github.com/nielsbasjes/yauaa/tree/v7.17.1/udfs/elastic/logstash

See for more information:

Installing the filter

You only need to install it into your logstash once per installation

logstash-plugin remove logstash-filter-yauaa
logstash-plugin install ./udfs/logstash/target/logstash-filter-yauaa-7.28.1.gem

Example usage

You need to specify

  1. The source field which maps the fields in the record to their original request headers.
  2. For each Yauaa field you need the logstash field in which it needs to be placed.
filter {
  yauaa {
    source => {
      "ua"      => "User-Agent"
      "uap"     => "Sec-CH-UA-Platform"
      "uapv"    => "Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version"
    fields => {
      "DeviceClass"                      => "uaDC"
      "DeviceName"                       => "uaDN"
      "DeviceBrand"                      => "uaDB"
      "OperatingSystemClass"             => "uaOSC"
      "OperatingSystemNameVersion"       => "uaOSNV"
      "LayoutEngineClass"                => "uaLEC"
      "LayoutEngineNameVersion"          => "uaLENV"
      "AgentClass"                       => "uaAC"
      "AgentName"                        => "uaAN"
      "AgentNameVersion"                 => "uaAANV"
      "AgentNameVersionMajor"            => "uaANVM"

When running this example I get output like this (sorted the fields for readbility) that has the new fields:

    "@timestamp" => 2022-04-24T09:30:11.051Z,
      "@version" => "1",
          "host" => "b9bf088b8c92",
       "message" => "HeartBeat event to trigger the test",
            "ua" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.60 Safari/537.36",
           "uap" => "\"macOS\"",
          "uapv" => "\"12.3.1\"",
          "uaDC" => "Desktop",
          "uaDN" => "Apple Macintosh",
          "uaDB" => "Apple",
         "uaOSC" => "Desktop",
        "uaOSNV" => "Mac OS 12.3.1",
         "uaLEC" => "Browser",
        "uaLENV" => "Blink 100.0",
          "uaAC" => "Browser",
          "uaAN" => "Chrome",
        "uaANVM" => "Chrome 100",
        "uaAANV" => "Chrome 100.0.4896.60"