Apache Flink Table/SQL


This is a User Defined Function for Apache Flink Table

Getting the UDF

You can get the prebuilt UDF from maven central.

If you use a maven based project simply add this dependency to your project.



Assume you register this function under the name ParseUserAgent Then the generic usage in your SQL is


This returns a Map<String, String> with all the requested values in one go.

If you want to make use of the support for the User-Agent Client Hints you must call the function from your SQL with a list of header name and value. The header names must be the same as what a browser would send to the webserver (see: Specification).

Essentially two forms are now possible:

ParseUserAgent ( <useragent> , [<header name>,<value>]+ )

and the variant which requires the presense of a User-Agent header.

ParseUserAgent ( [<header name>,<value>]+ )

For example:

     'User-Agent',                   useragent,
     'Sec-CH-UA-Platform',           chPlatform,
     'Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version',   chPlatformVersion
) AS parsedUseragent

Example usage (Java)

Assume you have either a BatchTableEnvironment or a StreamTableEnvironment in which you have defined your records as a table. In most cases I see (clickstream data) these records contain the useragent string in a column.

// Give the stream a Table Name
tableEnv.registerDataStream("AgentStream", inputStream, "timestamp, url, useragent");

Now you must do four things:

  • Determine the names of the fields you need.
  • Register the function with the full list of all the fields you want under the name you want.
  • Use the function in your SQL to do the parsing and extract the fields from that.
  • Run the query
// Register the function with all the desired fieldnames and optionally the size of the cache
tableEnv.registerFunction("ParseUserAgent", new AnalyzeUseragentFunction(15000, "DeviceClass", "AgentNameVersionMajor"));

// Define the query.
String sqlQuery =
    "SELECT useragent,"+
    "       ParseUserAgent(useragent)   as parsedUseragent" +
    "FROM AgentStream";

Table  resultTable   = tableEnv.sqlQuery(sqlQuery);

// A String and the Map with all results
TypeInformation<Row> tupleType = new RowTypeInfo(STRING, MAP(STRING, STRING));
DataStream<Row> resultSet = tableEnv.toAppendStream(resultTable, tupleType);

or something like this

// Register the function with all the desired fieldnames and optionally the size of the cache
tableEnv.registerFunction("ParseUserAgent", new AnalyzeUseragentFunction(15000, "DeviceClass", "AgentNameVersionMajor"));

// Define the query.
String sqlQuery =
    "SELECT useragent,"+
    "       parsedUseragent['DeviceClass']              AS deviceClass," +
    "       parsedUseragent['AgentNameVersionMajor']    AS agentNameVersionMajor " +
    "FROM ( " +
    "   SELECT useragent," +
    "          ParseUserAgent(useragent) AS parsedUseragent" +
    "   FROM   AgentStream " +

Table  resultTable   = tableEnv.sqlQuery(sqlQuery);

// 3 Strings
TypeInformation<Row> tupleType = new RowTypeInfo(STRING, STRING, STRING);
DataStream<Row> resultSet = tableEnv.toAppendStream(resultTable, tupleType);